Friday, May 1, 2009

Here & There Column

Ira Cohen Deserves The No Challenge

Democrat Sullivan County Treasurer Ira Cohen will not be challenged by the Sullivan County Republican Party in this November's election.......and that's a good thing.
We heartily agree with County GOP Chairman John LiGreci who pointed out that Cohen is doing a good job and that the Republican Party is "comfortable with Ira Cohen being there."
Ira has given ample proof on a number of occasions that he is looking out for the taxpayers and voters throughout the county.
Recently he offered a strong opinion on the topic.....does the dire condition of the economy warrant a one-time amnesty for people who have lost their homes?
There was discussion that there could be put into place a one-time waiver of a special five percent of assessed value fee Sullivan County charges to redeem properties that have already become the property of the county, after the normal redemption period has run out.
Cohen, also a former county attorney, challenged the idea on constitutional grounds and claimed there are precedent cases that clearly state a county's only option, in selling property it owns, is to get the maximum return on the sale.
Cohen pointed out that possibly as much as $500,000 would have to be refunded at a time when the county is already faced with revenue shortfalls for this year
On the topic of revenues seriously lagging in Sullivan County and the talk of the county obtaining a tax anticipation note Cohen is recommending against this suggested proposal saying that this may do little more than buy time as a high cost.
He has suggested that "this is a bad pattern of borrowing and not being able to repay,"
Democrat Sullivan County Treasurer Ira Cohen is a true benefit to all of us and his leadership and knowledge works for everyone in Sullivan County. He deserves this unchallenged term as our County Treasurer.

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