Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Here & There 7-8-14

 Bird Feeder Defeats The Squirrel


  Bird feeders are fun but when considering purchase of same human beings must become defensive and know what kind of feeder to purchase that will also defeat bird food theft by Mr. Squirrel.
  Conversation with the pet store manager where I buy my wild bird food revealed some interesting facts and statistics about bird feeder and how to give Mr. Squirrel a defeatist attitude.
  Interesting to learn that the invention of bird feeders came about when humans started living outside of the city in country surroundings and the desire to have wildlife around us.
  Through the study of birds we quickly learned how to attract birds that brought pleasure and this meant we had to know and provide the basic requirements of life....water and the right kind of bird food for the birds you want at your bird feeder.
  Had one bird feeder that blue jays and crows could get into so my latest feeder is for the smaller birds  and is constructed so the big birds and squirrel's can't get to the food.
  Just forgot...... if you like to watch the birds at your feeder don't place the feeder any closer than three feet from the window.
  Certain foods tend to attract certain birds.....I prefer the black oil sunflower seed and my finches along with other small birds provide lots of entertainment while eating.
  The colder weather  also brings more birds as in the spring and summer they have plenty of natural sources of food.
  Just got entertained by Mr. Squirrel the other day as he discovered he could come right up on my porch, jump up on the railing and ease over to my feeder hanging off the porch railing.
  He put on quite a show as every attempt he made to get to the food was defeated by the bars on the feeder (designed specifically for that purpose) 
  It took him a good 10 minutes to finally give up...... I'll give him an A for effort and an A + to the bird feeder designer.



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