Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Here & There 3-13-07

Mark Wegener

Dedicated Work Returns Medical Services To The Manor

Kudos go out this week to Mark Wegener, owner/pharmacist of the Livingston Manor Medicap Pharmacy for his work and efforts that will now bring the return of medical services to the hamlet of Livingston Manor and the Town of Rockland.
The community has been without medical services for the past three years but that is now a thing a thing of the past with the opening of the Corner Care Clinic tomorrow, March 7 in the newly remodeled and expanded Livingston Manor Medicap Pharmacy.
The Corner Care Clinic will provide nurse practitioners who will offer treatment for minor health care needs and will also offer a referral network of physicians for conditions that are severe.
The last medical services offered in Livings;ton Manor was in 2004 at the offices of Dr. Christina Ortega.
A separate examination-treatment room is now available at the pharmacy and the Corner Care Clinics is a convenient and effective option for patients with minor and routine health concerns. The clinic is designed for customers with routine health issues and screenings where patients are treated on a first-come first-served basis by a nurse practitioner who can diagnose their ailment and provide a prescription medication, if necessary.
A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who has completed advanced education (generally a minimum of a masters's degree) and additional training in the diagnosis and management of common medication conditions.
The Corner Care Clinic will treat customers on a walk-in basis without an appointment and patients with routine health concerns benefit from this enhanced access to care as they can often be seen sooner then if they were to call their doctors office and wait for the first available appointment.
The clinic is expected to be able to ease the strain on overloaded Emergency Rooms and provide affordable care.
A pharmacy is an important part of the day in and day out activities of any community and the expansion at the Livingston Manor Medicap Pharmacy brings a more well-rounded pharmacy to this community.
Wegener possesses a keen business mind and brings back to a community a vital service while adding an additional 600 square feet of retail space which nearly triples the size of the retail part of the pharmacy.
Thanks for a job well done Mark.

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