Outstanding Acting In One Flew
Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Sullivan County and our surrounding area is so blessed to have such talented acting as was displayed July 2-11 in the Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop production of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
This drama in two acts based on the Novel by Ken Kesey produced a plot in which Chief Bromden (played by Anthony Chanov) , the half-Indian narrator of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, has been a patient in a psychiatric hospital for many years where he suffers from hallucinations and delusions.
The chief pretends to be deaf and dumb and tries to go unnoticed, even through he is a rather tall man.
The mental patients portrayed in this play are all male and are divided into group meetings which are ruled by Nurse Ratched who rules with mechanical precision until McMurphy arrives and swaggers into the ward and introduces himself as a gambling man with a zest for women and cards.
McMurphy and Nurse Ratched have many verbal confrontations throughout this drama and the mental patients all get involved in one way or another.
What separates this play from many others we have seen was the outstanding acting ability of all those who played the role of mental patients....one could have easily thought they were real ...and of course great acting by DeLois "Cookie" House as Nurse Ratched and Wayne Kreuscher as McMurphy.
Definitely an added plus to this great show was the part Ed Berens played as Cheswick.
Show after show the Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop brings great theatre to Sullivan County...bravo to all in this great show directed by Sally Gladden.
Next on their community theatre calendar is Little Show of Horrors August 6-15, Cover Stories September 3-12 and Bathroom Humor October 1-10.
Take time out to see the great local talent and what outstanding shows this workshop brings to Sullivan County.
Their website is http://www.scdw.net/
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