Would You Believe Hoffmann Strikes Again
When your hot your hot and there doesn't appear to be any way of stopping a runaway train like 68-year-old Monticello bowler John Hoffmann.
Yes folks, he's in the headlines again as he recorded his fourth 300 game of this 2009-10 league season and his 28th career 300 on March 1 in the Monday Men's league at Kiamesha Lanes.
He used the Roto Grip Quest bowling ball to record 19 strikes in a row during his March 1 three-game match on lanes 9 and 10.
Hoffmann said he just could not carry in the first game of the night but did strike out in the 10th frame, then clipped the maples for 12 strikes in a row for the 300 and added the first four strikes in game three before the seven pin stayed up for a 238 and a 724 series.
His three other 300 games this bowling season were recorded on February 15, January 18 and on November 11, 2009, all at Kiamesha Lanes.
His present Monday league average is 225.
John won the high average bowler honors with a 229 in the Tri-County NY USBC Association for the 2006-07 season. He bowled professionally from 1990 to 1993 in the Northeast Regional Professional Bowlers Association where he got his "Little Lefty" nickname from PBA Tour Bowler Tommy Delutz Jr.
Hoffmann was also the 2007 Tri-County NY Men's Senior USBC Champion and is also a New Jersey State Senior Champion.
Hoffmann has been bowling for some 53 years, is single and retired and lives in the South Woods Road area of the Town of Thompson.
Bowling Tip
By Mike Luongo
Bowlers: This weeks tip is for parents with children who either bowl in a youth league or bowl regularly with their own equipment.
The first question for parents is.......when was the last time you had your child's fit checked on their bowling ball at your local pro-shop?
Children tend to grow quickly and the gripping holes in their bowling balls must be adjusted to accommodate this growth.
Bowling with poor-fitting equipment can become frustrating and uncomfortable . In most cases, it will only take a minute or two for adjustments to be made.
Also, if your child has his or her own bowling shoes, you can check the size yourself to see if the fit is acceptable. Do not wait for blisters to form on the toes.
Remember, the game is meant to be enjoyed, not to be a form of torture.
Mike Luongo is technically certified through IBPSIA as a Pro Shop Operator and Master Instructor. He is also a Silver Level Coach with the USBC and is a Sales Advisor and Special Events Coordinator with the Storm and Roto Grip Bowling Ball Company. If you have a question or subject you would like covered, he can be reached at 341-1694 or via e-mail at mikespro@warwick.net
Mike Scroggins is having a good year on the PBA tour. He won his eighth-career title and second of this season by defeating Brian Kretzer, 206-195, last Sunday afternoon in the PBA Etonic Don Johnson Eliminator finals at Sequoia Pro Bowl in Columbus, Ohio.
The tour takes a week off now and returns to action during the week of March 17-21 for the Go RVing Match Play Championship at the Norwich Bowling & Entertainment Center in Norwich, Conn.
An online "PBA Bracket Battle," giving fans a chance to pick winners of all matches from start to finish, was announced March 10 on the PBA's official website, pba.com
Local Scores
Kiamesha Lanes
Recent highlight scores in the Monday Men's league include a 226, 619 by Michael Mulligan, Gil Suarez 234, Dan Ricco 237, 279, 700, Mike Weiner 616, Jaryl Scott 234, 268, 697, Donald Durland 634, Josh Strang 661, Tom Belgiovene 243, 633, John Hoffmann 626, John Fischer 235, 620, William Bartley 628, Dave Graham 608, Serafin Rodriguez Jr. 243, 637, Peter Mitro 601, Jo Jo VanKeuren 245, 245, 267, 757, Craig Wilhelm 268, 629, Al Caycho 268, 644, Jon Wilhelm 629, Vincent Scuderi 606, Angel Rodriguez 252, 642, Frank Scuderi 227, Roy Sweeney 600, Eddie Lake 237, 226, 664, Rick Lake 256, 247, 722, Lloyd Bridges 225, 651, Niifa Laresko 230, 661, Keith Smith 227, 612, Jack Moylan 259, 694, Robert Sze 244, 671, James Ratner 237, 235, 689, Kort Wheeler 228, 647, Daniel VanAken 244, 246, 675, Arthur Stevens 225, Timothy Totten 256, 652, Mal Press 246, 226, 676, Ronnie Totten 247, 679.
In the Tuesday Mixed Firefighters league Debra Blackford 182, Carena Collura 222, 183, 541, Carol MacAdam 190, 195, 554, Lisa Cartwright 199, 511, Russ Keesler 232, Jason Jones 605, Fran Kaiser 503, Debbie Durland 182, 203, 563, Mal Press 229, Jon Wilhelm 231, 226, 237, 694, Ed Guthrie 610, Mary Lee Williams 541, Joan Lake 189, George Kelley 225, Roberta Yakin 202, 193, 539, John Hoffmann 247, 257, 267, 771, Eddie Lake 266, 247, 234, 747, Linda Schaefer 180, 521, Larry Berens 607.
In the Wednesday Men's league George VanAken Jr. 617, Daniel VanAken 255, 605, Kenny Atkins 239, 620, Kenneth Hopkins Jr. 228, 630, Craig Wilhelm 235, Kevin Stackhouse 235, 225, 649, Al Caycho 227, 613, Mike Weiner 269, 659, Juan Lopez 225, John Lopez 246, 612, Robert Yakin Jr. 237, 621, William Danchak 231, Josh Strang 236, 224, 664, John Hoffmann 230, 622, Rick Lara 236, 606, Tim McIntyre 236, 257, 680, Anthony Atkins 233, Wayne Atkins 227, Eddie Lake 235, 631, Matt Fallon 645, Jon Wilhelm 246, 618, Richard Bradford 242, Donald Durland 619.
In the Ladies Thursday league Mari Jane Conklin 187, 504, Joan Lake 203, 206, 569, Mardette Wilcox 192, Stephanie Davis 181, Connie Mckenley 186, Lisa Cartwright 180, Kathy King 181, Margaret Quick 201, Rudy Hoke 191, 504, Debbie Durland 256, 585, Christine Schultz 190, 504, Barbara Durbak 181, 188, 542, Debbie Heins 183, 506.
Gravity Alley
Recent highlight scores in the Thursday Mixed league include a 226 by Dave Predmore, Scott Ropke 225, Judy Mohn 182, 531.
Beechwood Lanes
Recent highlight scores in the Monday Ladies league include a 180 by Diane Staves, Lois Erdman 167, Barbara Cady 163, Jackie Gieger 168, Jody Schanil 161, Tracy Puerschner 178.
In the Tuesday Ladies league Lillian Zieres 200, 513, Maureen Schlott 189, 484, Kelly Gombita 174.
Fox Bowling Center
Recent highlight scores in the Wednesday Men's Independent league include a 237, 644 by Tom Anderson, Al Bullis Sr. 234, 620, Andrew Bullis 225, 228, 632, Frank Couse Sr. 234, 634, Jim Dibble 236, 279, 729, Brandon Drumm 605, Art Gately 237, 235, 642, Craig Gehrig 231, 655, Bill Gleim 244, 259, 707, Dylan Green 247, Jeremy Gulley 629, Jack Hazen 245, 247, 700, Rob Johnson 239, 651, Pat Kille 279, 227, 709, Ryan Kille 624, Donnie Marino 237, 248, 237, 722, Mark McGraw 230, 650, Neil Mosher 236, 670, Mitch Persbacker 637, Dick Price 245, 245, 635, Sam Rowe 230, Jonathon Wayne 278, 695, Zuke Wormuth 225, 652, Jay Wormuth 627,
In the Thursday Men's Deposit National league Al Bullis Jr. 244, 268, 706, Al Bullis Sr. 278, 696, Andy Bullis 606, Mike Costello 604, Jeff Curtis 620, Lenn Davis 244, 608, Nate Finch 608, Bill Gifford 610, Bill Gleim 226, 643, Robert Johnson 235, 232, 641, Greg Keesler 238, 666, John Lanner 225, 626, Dave Lester 269, 676, Rick Mills 235, 638, Neil Mosher 632, Jim Valentine 225, 609.
In the Friday Mixed Doubles Couples league Andy Bullis 265, 248, 730, Anne Couse 203, 195, 542, Howey Couse 227, 645, Norman C. Ellis 245, 630, Bill Gleim 248, 606, Dana McGraw 205, 517, Rick Mills 241, 634, Jen Smith 257, 560, Dan Wormuth 614, Jay Wormuth 225, 613.
In the Saturday Morning Youth leagues, in the Junior League Caitlin Slatcher 213, Bantam girls division Kayla Smith 121, Bantam Boys division Ryan Slatcher 153.
In the Sunday Afternoon Mixed Fun league Ray Cornwell 235, 658, Marty Haeussler 235, 625, Matt Johnson 235, 625, Dave Mills 246, 639, Rick Mills 258, 696, Savanna Mills (youth scores) 133, 159, Summer Shakelton (youth score) 153, Ed Townsend 228, Shirley Townsend 185, Chris Wadeson (youth scores), 214, 585.
This column is written by Ed Townsend, a public relations consultant to the amateur and professional sport of bowling and to several bowling writers associations. If you have a topic that would make good reading, or have league and tournament scores and information, Ed is available by phone at 845-439-8177, vie e-mail at edwardctownsend@hotmail.com, by fax at 845-230-8674. For a more expanded version of the bowling column, please visit our Web Page at http://bght.blogspot.com/
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