Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Here & There Column 8-2-11

Multi-Layered Govt. Is Antiquated

Is government in Sullivan County understanding the realities that multi-layered government is antiquated?
The Hudson Valley Pattern For Progress in April issued a "White Paper" from their Government Efficiency Task Force titles "Government Efficiency In the Hudson Valley-Creating A Positive Approach to Change."
If politicians running our local governments have not read this report then their heads must be buried in sand.
The five-page detailed report truly would help local governments ease the many burdens they face today with having to downsize, consolidate and do away with much of the duplication of services they presently have.
The report points out that it's a clear fact that much of "New York State's multi-layered form of government is viewed as antiquated, arcane and redundant."
The report clearly states that "our conglomeration of villages, towns, counties and the State plus overlapping independent school and special districts drives higher costs and highly visible service inefficiencies."
In addition this five page detailed sheet notes that these "inefficiencies lead residents to question the utility of this outdated system," and "the cost of maintaining so many units of government with multiple levels and overlaps is no longer sustainable."
Lets just briefly look at these multiple levels and overlaps here in Sullivan County......in the Town of Thompson we have the Town government and the Village of Monticello government, in the Town of Fallsburg we have the Fallsburg government and the Village of Woodridge government, in the Town of Liberty we have both the town and village governments, in the Town of Mamakating we have the town and Village of Bloomingburg governments and the Village of Jeffersonville shares government with the Town of Callicoon.
Does the taxpayer in Sullivan County with a population of 75,828 get the benefit of 1 county government, 15 township governments, five village governments, 8 school districts, 13 fire protection districts, 45 lighting districts, 26 sewer district and 20 water districts?
It's up to the folks that pay the bills in this county to tell these many forms of government to cooperate, have shared services, consolidate, dissolve and to do away with so much duplication.

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