Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Here & There Column 12-30-08

County Legislature Doesn't Listen To Criticism

Sullivan County taxpayers be damned as seven out of nine Sullivan County legislators sent a distasteful New Year's message that they really don't care what county residents say.
Comments from those who pay the bill were indeed a mandate for legislators to not pass the budget but despite a statement from District 1 Legislator David Sager that the public had spoken out against adopting the $192 million 2009 budget, it was passed 7-2 on December 18.
The notable backlash against pay increases for non-union county employees just did not have any impact on legislators and County Manager David Fanslau's plans.
Republican Alan Sorenson was the only other legislator to join Sager in voting no on the budget which includes a cut in services, a 7 percent tax hike and the raises for many managers and county department heads.
Taxpayers and written opposition had clearly noted the difficult economy everyone is facing and that this was not the time for these salary and tax increases.
Taxpayers should remember very well the seven legislators who have thrown the public criticism back into the public's face....they are Democrat Ron Hiatt, Republican Leni Binder, Democrat Johathan Rouis, Democrat Kathy LaBuda, Republican Jody Goodman, Democrat Frank Armstrong and Democrat Elwyn Wood.......mark it down on your political calendar and vote your opinion at the polls the next time these folks run for re-election.
We concur with many of the sentiments made during the discussion on this budget but the general overall economic picture both here in Sullivan County and throughout our nation says very firmly that this is not the time for a tax increase and double-digit percentage raises to some of the county's highest paid managers.
Our hard-working folks in this county just cannot afford what has not been thrown down their throat by the county manager and seven county legislators who don't seem to care about the dropping revenue in the county and the fact that unemployment is on the rise.
Happy New Year Sullivan County taxpayers.....remember to send a thank you card to the seven county legislators for their New Year's gift to you.

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