Friday, November 7, 2008

Here & There Column 11-4-08

Miss Sulivan County Pageant contestants in the opening number

Pageant Is A Work In Progress

If you were at the Miss Sullivan County Pageant held October 25 in the Monticello High School auditorium you definitely witnessed young girls who had gone through a learning experience in which they gained self-confidence, made new friends and shared experiences which made each of the contestants winners in our society today.
The contestants, who competed in three categories, Young Miss (5-8), Pre-Teen (13-18) and Teenager (13-18) go through several weeks of training to enable them to compete in events that include the opening routine, formal and party wear competition and brief on stage interviews. The Teenager group is asked to answer a question usually dealing with a topic of the day.
We've seen these young girls as they arrived for the first sign-in night and what a difference the Pageant training makes as they compete before the Pageant judges and a crowd consisting of their parents, grand parents, relatives, friends and many Pageant supporters.
The crowning of the three new Pageant queens is definitely the highlight of the Pageant festivities but the true meaning of what this event is all about is brought out in the farewell speeches of the outgoing Queens and what the many events they attended through their year as Queen has meant to them........and of course some tears usually flow also at this time.
We can't say enough about all the hard work and dedication that is put forth to make this event a yearly success with all the credit for this going to directors Maurice Gerry, Christina Buckler and Amy Bernhard and the wonderful staff of folks that pitch in and help out.
So when you see this years Miss Sullivan County Pageant Queens, Young Miss Noelle Hermann, Pre-Teen Sarah Carr and Teenager Ariana Kaminski give them a nice round of applause....they deserve it.

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