Monday, April 21, 2008

Here & There Column 4-22-08

Spy Gate Issue Being Covered Up By Democrats

Our recent coffee klatsch get together started out with a statement, "well I guess the Democrats on the Sullivan County legislature are attempting to bury the spying incident that took place recently against Republican Legislator David Sager."
As we poured our first cup of coffee it felt like this might be an explosive discussion being that our group consists of three Republicans and three Democrats but our klatsch as usual all did their homework and were prepared to openly discuss this issue strictly on what has taken place and also what has not taken place.
Following a recent pay hike approval for Legislative Aide Alexis Eggleton the question came up that she may have to answer some questions about allegedly inappropriate partisan activity on her part.
One of our coffee klatsch members said he had spoken directly with Republican David Sager and Sager pointed out that this inappropriate partisan activity is based on a misdirected text message authorized by Eggleton and sent from her personal cell phone. The message was apparently intended for County Manager David Fanslau and appeared to be an update on Sager's activities regarding the pending contract renewal for Fanslau.
The District One legislator said the message on his cell phone read, "FYI: Sager was down the hall for an hour and when he came back he had me pull the resolution for Thursday re: your contract and said it was not what JR (Democratic Legislative Chair Jonathan Rouis) said it was."
At least four of our Coffee Klatsch members gave strong indications that this 'spying" issue should not be taken lightly and no one working for government has the right to keep tabs on what the legislators are doing as they come and go throughout the Sullivan County Government Center.
Sager has stated, "at what point is it permissible for her to report my actions and inquiries (so long as they were within the parameters of my elected office) to the county manager or any other official."
The Klatsch all totally agreed that this is indeed a form of spying and it indeed shows a whole subversive level to government.
As we poured our second cup of Java and enjoyed our home baked donuts several in our group issued statements like "this is an abuse of power and its unethical and total insubordination.
It has been reported that several Democrat legislators conceded that the text message to Sager did not look good, was inappropriate and that some level of investigation into this matter might be in order.
Several in our coffee klatsch said they have had numerous conversations with rank and file county employees who have all expressed total support for Sager and who support a high level investigation into this spying issue and text message that was sent to Sager by mistake.
The Klatsch unanimously called upon the five Sullivan County Democrat legislators to do the right thing here but. if they attempt to bury this issue they will be heard from the next time they run for office.

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