Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Here & There Column 3-19-13

Pope Francis & Latin America

  Stop the presses, hold the front page....... Pope Francis has only one one of the headlines whirling around Jorge Mario Bergolio of Argentina.....if that is anything that can detract from the fact that he was elected in a swift five votes from a conclave of 115 cardinals.
  This new 76-year-old head of the Roman Catholic Church was something of a surprise as the new pope and was not foreshadowed prominently on the short list of various experts, though he was said to be the runner-up to retiring Pope Benedict in the 2005 conclave. 
  And even with just one lung he begins his papacy in good health. Pope Francis had one of his lungs removed when he was a teenager because of an infection but the medical professional says very strongly that his condition will not hinder him as pope but it's agreed he will have to be more careful and try to avoid people who are ill so that he doesn't contract any respiratory ailments or pneumonia. 
  As a result of his election as pope and the recent development of the death of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chevez some are predicting a turning point for Latin America.
  Many see Pope Francis as  truly a man of the people. He is said to be humble, self-effacing and focused on issues of economic and social justice and with his great concern of alleviating poverty his Gospel focused Catholicism could easily replace the fraudulent  Chavez as the voice of the poor in that neglected regions where a plurality of the world's Catholics live. 
  Pope Francis is theologically orthodox and socially conservative and has opposed Argentina's gay marriage laws, has been fiercely pro-family and is known as an advocate for the poor. He is the first non-European pope in modern times and the first from a developing country. 
  May God bless this master conciliator who will be adroit at healing many of the rifts and scandals that have dogged the Vatican in recent years. 



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