Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Here & There Column 2-22-11

Jury Duty Is Everyone's Responsibility

While serving jury duty a number of years ago a friend of mine remarked to me, "why did you let them choose you as a juror, I give them every excuse I can just to get out of it."
Sitting back trying to analyze those remarks I simply stated it's our responsibility to serve when you are summoned to serve in supreme, county, district or city courts.
And your given the opportunity to ask for one automatic postponement so fulfill your responsibility to serve the court system.
I had a friend town justice tell me many years ago that folks in the United States should be reminded that in some countries those taken into custody are not given the opportunity to have a jury decide their fate. Jurors are an important part of our great judicial system.....pitch in and make it work for all of us.
Folks have remarked in general conversation that they never signed up for jury duty and do not understand that their name can be selected at random from lists obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Labor, voter registration lists and New York State Income Tax filers. If you collect unemployment insurance or family assistance your name will be also be on file.
What some folks do not understand is that jury duty is not only their responsibility but is also mandatory and for those who think they can get away with it there can be both civil or criminal penalties.
Believe me folks, jury duty does not hurt and at times it's a great educational experience and if you are working your employer must allow you time off from work to serve as a juror.
Your not going to get rich on jury duty pay as it's only $40 per day and in many cases your employer will continue your salary.
Next time you get jury notice don't blow it off, become a responsible citizen and become part of the family of more than 600,000 people who serve annually in New York State.

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