Monday, January 10, 2011

Here & There Column 1-11-11

What Part Don't Unions Understand?

"Politically, the unions have agreed to target those politicians who are targeting all of us. We will organize an 11-month campaign to remove them from office, including an effective voter registration drive," part of a Sullivan County Teamsters Newsletter to county rank and file members reads as the unions attempt to put heat on the county freeze on wages and longevity bonus.
One would think that taxpayers in Sullivan County support the legislators in their attempt to not raise taxes and keep all present employees with no layoffs.
County Manager David Fanslau put it pretty clearly when he said, "I would say the unions are not recognizing the costs being absorbed by the taxpayers."
It's really very simple as the $3.3 million budget gap must be overcome either via the freezes or layoffs. Why do the unions seemingly prefer forcing a significant workforce reduction simply to provide the remaining employees with increased pay and the longevity bonus.
We are not too sure what the ramifications are when the unions seemingly are forcing all rank and file county employees to become involved in their political actions. Their newsletter says, "this effort will involved every Sullivan County employee, " and "we will soon be surveying all employees to determine which county legislator they are friends with, and which communities they reside. Members will also be asked to participate in a series of strategies designed to keep the pressure on the county leaders."
Don't believe the county can be blamed for its effort to keep a budget with no taxes as many county governments are taking the same measures to keep taxes down, consolidate departments, freeze wages and in some cases laying off staff.
Governor Andrew M Cuomo as our new governor is proposing no increase in taxes and a promise to lower them. He is also calling for freezing the salaries of most state workers and he put it simply by saying, "the people of this state cannot afford to pay more taxes."
The governor has also proposed bonuses for consolidation of local governments. He proposes to merge departments.
With proposed efforts like this from the head of our state government it's very difficult to understand where or how the county unions think the taxpayers of Sullivan County will support their "politically" motivated efforts.

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