Monday, February 4, 2008

Here & There Column 2-5-08

Andrew Exner, 12, left, from the Tri-Valley Central School District received instruction from SCCC Generals pitcher Angel Betances during the opening of the 2008 Future Generals Baseball Academy held at the Paul Gerry Field House.
Sullivan College Reaches Out To Young Baseball Players

We like the way SCCC Baseball Coach Mike Marra thinks not only about the future of his General's college team but the way he and the college reaches out to young baseball players in our surrounding communities.
Coach Marra thinks and lives baseball and will introduce American Legion baseball this summer to this area.
Registration and workout for the Floyd Keener Post # 315 American Legion Baseball will take place on Saturday, February 9 at 4:30 p.m. at the Pro-Prospects Training Center in Monticello for players ages 15-19 who reside in Sullivan County. Contact the SCCC Baseball office at 434-5750 ext. 4470 or go online for information at
The 2008 Sullivan County Community College Future Generals Baseball Academy is presently underway and continues through February 17 at the Paul Gerry Fieldhouse.
Coach Marra has put together an excellent program that is teaching our youth (ages 8-12 Rookies) and (ages 13-18) All-Stars everything they should know about the game of baseball.
On four Sunday's during the months of January and February Mike and members of the Generals college baseball team are giving hands-on instruction that includes defensive groups (instruction and drills for pitchers, catchers, infielders and outfielders. Hitting instruction at (offensive stations) include cage (short toss), tee work, soft toss, bunting and base running. This also includes live hitting. There is also classroom instruction for video and lecture presentations.
Members of the Generals team, under the direction, supervision and training of the SCCC coaching staff are offering county youth practice work-outs with the young baseball players in small groups of four to six players.
For the small registration fee of $80 each youth baseball player is receiving 10-hours of instruction, a future Generals T-Shirt, a future Generals Membership card, a participation award, a skill development notebook and a baseball evaluation.
Upon witnessing one of these baseball training sessions we can honestly say that Coach Marra and his team members and staff are giving our young players a first-class baseball clinic right here in Sullivan County in the middle of our winter season.
Winter is the time to prepare for the Spring and the combination of skill and smarts will hopefully be passed along to area youth attending this baseball academy.
This academy is an athletes dream come true because young baseball players will have the opportunity to learn that every time the ball is hit each player on the field has a job to do.
Learning what bat speed and hitting power is all about and what skills must be put in place to improve arm throwing strength and velocity are all part of the learning curve for young ball players.
We salute Sullivan County Community College, Baseball Coach Mike Marra and members of the General's baseball team and coaching staff for providing these learning abilities which someday could lead these youth to be future stars for our SCCC General's team.


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