Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Here & There Column 1-15-08

Will Sullivan County Die Without A Casino?

If you read the headlines and some editorials these past several days you would have thought Sullivan County had been wiped off the earth and there would be no way for the county to survive U.S. Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne's rejection of the proposals of two American Indian tribes to operate casinos in Sullivan County.
Headline read, "Sullivan County Economy Dealt Harsh Blow", "Interior Secretary Rejects Sullivan County Casino Plans", "Two Catskills Casinos Rejected by Secretary of Interior", and "Some Are Worried For The County's Economic Future."
Has Sullivan County fallen on its face, has the economy gone south, is our business community ready to close its doors? We think the economy of our Sullivan County government will be facing tough decisions in 2008 and the county legislature has to unite and work for the benefit of everyone.
Some in our governments are saying that the local economy could lose big in the absence of casinos.
And the Indian's are claiming that this decision by Kempthorne is 100% political and that when and if a new Secretary of Interior comes to Washington in 2008 that this will automatically change the picture and if will result in casino approval........we think that is what gamblers call a "crap shoot" and it's not something you "can take to the bank."
Talk of law suits in this matter will probably take place but will have little effect on this issue.
There has been so much talk that the revival of the struggling Sullivan County economy depended on the gaming project.
One can't deny the importance of jobs and economic opportunity in Sullivan County and many opponents to casino gambling claim that with progressive projects like Bethel Woods the county can survive and prosper.
Too many have put their hopes and dreams of future success on the flip of a card or the toss of some dice but for now our business community and local government has to work to encourage and keep Sullivan County dollars in Sullivan County.
And to repeat what we have previously said.......it is truly time for changes in our county government who needs elected officials to be more responsible leaders who will fight to stop waste and someone who will treat the beleaguered taxpayers in Sullivan County with shared municipal services and true and honest tax reform.

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